Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Torrent details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 1999
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: George Lucas
Starring: Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman
Two Jedi Knights Escape Siege opponents find partners and meet a young man who can bring balance to the Force, but long-dormant Sith resurfacing to restore their former glory.
Of course, this movie is a ton of hype, and what the movie can live up to all this .... bla bla bla. Even considering that the film is about so much dissapointment. This movie proves that it is not just the special effects that made Star Wars fun to watch. It was as if George Lucas was very pleased with what he can do with CGI effects, he forgot what made the original trilogy so great writing and characters. Which is not a bad film, but the problem many.-Many people have dismissed this film will be as nice as they say it is only the first in a trilogy and it just set everything to follow. WRONG WRONG WRONG, this film should film itself first and foremost as the other three films. It is necessary to have a good character and the story is quite interesting .... Did not. scale conflict in the history of the planet and the fate of trade disputes Naboo. Does anyone really care about it? Details of the dispute is a bit vague, and what their potential is not realistic to generate enough interest for us to root out some way. Significant conflicts Darth Sideous and keep it up to far in the background. We do not know why Darth Maul Jedi hate so much .... it just did. Lucas want to be a little like Darth Maul Boba Fett (silent and mysterious.) It works with Boba Fett because it just keeps the character rather than the main villain. This film really does not have a clear villain. I hope someone will have the courage and just told Lucas that the story is basically lousy.-does not look very happy in this film. Qui-Gon is really the only character who can relate to, and even he was a little far away. The Queen acts as the scene of many dummy (and it looks like one to). Obi-Wan Kenobi to walk through the whole movie does not work and never say anything interesting. The characters never seem to talk about anything other than the plot (as in the first film). C3PO and R2-D2 is pretty pointless. Jedi Council comes across as a very cold and buracratic. And I never understood why they wrote AnnaKS as a primary school children in this film. He was a teenager. With the Queen of awkward scene. Even non-JAR Jar.Various discuss other things ...-the midochlorians look just been tacked on. Humor falls flat, unless you are a very small child. AnnaKS destroy merchant ships at the end, and all safves, basically a mistake! ILM and George Lucas seems to be very happy with their new CGI toys that they spend 95% of their time to improve them. Frankly, I think that the FX Return of the Jedi sharper, more dimensional and less animation. Not all that impressive, seems to be happening here. This film will probably never as good as the hype, but it could easily be much better than this. I've waited so long this movie, but I first saw this film I was really bored in the middle of it.There are some good moments. Pod racing fun as a light saber battle at the end. There are some very nice special effects throughout. We hope that Lucas just had writer's block when he wrote this one. Maybe he will remember what he did the other films as well time Episode II. Although it looks like it has been tampered with that name already.
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