A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)
Torrent details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2013
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Director: John Moore
Starring: Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney, Sebastian Koch
John McClane traveling to Russia that its appearance wayward son, Jack, Jack is the only nuclear weapons to prevent the robbery, father and son team against the forces of the underworld to find the cause of CIA operatives to help.
What all do as soon as they heard John Moore led the next Die Hard movie? Look at his filmography and see headlines like a new version of the Omen and Max Payne. And now, sadly, a good day to Die Hard Moores joins the list of bad films, because it is really BAD.As much as I wanted to like this movie, I just could not, not even a fan of Die Hard (no pun intended). First, lets look at the selling point. They promised one thing and that is more than in the previous film. You see, the first Die Hard was held in the square. The second took place at the airport. New York was the third and the fourth was the United States across the nation. So, of course, Die Hard 5 will go international. Ironically, a good day to Die Hard film feel the smallest of the five. Why? Of all the film seems compelled to hunt one of the activities. I say action to perform, because everything is so over-the-top, to the point where there is no cause tension, but the endless pandemonium from start to finish. No emotional investment, not excitement. Everything just looks spectacular and did not feel any magnitude. In addition, unlike the previous Die Hard films, the threat of terrorism in this film never to leave. Everything is just a battle to avoid danger. I would also argue that shorter running time is a sign of laziness and a factor of why the film feels so insignificant.My other major problem is that the film is repetitive and boring. One-liners Arent smart (by the way, was not YIPPEE Ki-yay, mother **** er delivered. EDIT: Some people claimed to have heard about it, I do not). Jokes Arent fun. Poor family relationships, the story becomes a very tired, especially if Die Hard 4 mainly focused on the father-daughter relationship. Speaking of that, the new McClane is really unlikable. Unlike Lucy McClane, who recently spent as spiteful, Jack McClane put a gun to his father. Why do we never like a child, especially if we know and love Bruce Willis character of the four movies? I can not talk much about the villain (played by Radivoje Bukvi) Without spoiling the movie, but all I have to say is that he has little or no part in the whole movie. Russian comes out as a bad click?, Anti-American terrorist, and he has, and fulfills any danger. Im dying to tell the story here, but lets just say that this is really stupid ending.In test positive opinion, Id like to say that the film is not a oh sh * t moments that will be fun to watch. But Id stay away from this one (if you are a fan of Die Hard).
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